Tuesday, October 26, 2010

To XML for beginners

To XML for beginners

Type: XML / Biztalk

宸笉澶氭瘡澶╅兘鏈変汉闂?浠?箞鏄?XML鈥濓紝鈥淴ML 鑳藉仛浠?箞鈥濓紝鈥淴ML 鑳戒笉鑳芥浛鎴戝仛杩欎釜鈥濓紝鈥淴ML 浼氬彇浠d粈涔堚? 绛夌瓑璇稿姝ょ被鐨勯棶棰樸?鐢变簬鏈?繎涓?鏃堕棿绋嶅井瀵?xml 浣跨敤浜嗕竴涓嬶紝鎴戞潵璋堣皥鑷繁鐨勬劅瑙夈?杩欎簺缁忛獙閮藉緢娴呮樉锛屼换浣曚竴涓敤杩?xml 鐨勪汉閮芥湁锛屽苟涓旇浠佽鏅猴紝鍙笉杩囨垜绠楀垰鍒氳蛋杩囪繖娈佃矾锛屽鑷繁涓?紑濮嬬殑鍥版儜锛岃瑙h繕璁板緱娓咃紝鎵?互鎷垮嚭鏉ュ拰澶у鍒嗕韩涓?笅銆?br />
I think the beginner's errors may be approached:

1. XML 鏄笉鏄?HTML 鐨勫彇浠h?

涓嶆槸銆傚啓寰楀ソ鐨?html 搴旇鏄竴涓?well-formed 鐨?xml 鏂囨。锛屽叾浠栨柟闈㈡渶濂戒笉瑕佹妸浠栦滑鏀惧湪涓?釜姘村钩绾夸笂姣旇緝

2. XML is not a replacement for the database

涓嶆槸銆?br />
3. XML is not a replacement of ...


This conclusion may sound funny: XML is a very, very important thing, but it can not replace anything.浣嗚繖骞朵笉濂囨?锛屾湁浜烘妸瀹冩瘮鍋?ASCII 鏍囧噯锛屼粬浠槸涓?垏涓?垏鐨勫熀纭?紝浣嗗苟娌℃湁锛堜篃涓嶉渶瑕侊級鍙栦唬浠?箞銆?锛堜絾鏄氨濡傚悓 ASCII 鍙栦唬浜嗕竴浜涙病鏈夋垚澶у櫒鐨勫瓧绗﹂泦瀹氫箟锛孹ML 涔熶細鍙栦唬浣犲湪搴旂敤涓嚜宸卞畾涔夌殑涓?簺鏁版嵁浼犺緭瑙勮寖锛屼絾娌℃湁浠?箞鐗瑰埆涓绘祦鐨勪笢瑗裤?锛?br />
Just started learning XML (or do not start school before) when the favorite to ask a question must be: using XML give me any good?

鎴戣寰椾粠鏌愮瑙掑害涓婅锛屼娇鐢?XML 鏈変簺璞′娇鐢?OO 闈㈠悜瀵硅薄锛?br />
- You can use it, you can not have it.
- If your application is very simple, it is not necessarily easy to use, maybe even worse with the results.
- 鍜屽叾浠栧疄闄呬笢瑗挎瘮濡傛暟鎹簱锛孧TS锛學eb Server姣旇捣鏉ワ紝瀹冩洿鍍忔槸涓?釜姒傚康锛屼竴绉嶆柟娉?br />- The larger the project, its room to maneuver larger role in the greater.
- Once upon a real understanding, even if no xml parser, does not prevent you from using this concept, as you can set aside a specific language to use OO.
- ......

Seem more abstract and Mo Puer instead.
閭e氨闅忎究涓句釜渚嬪瓙銆傛瘮濡備綘鏈潵鎯冲湪 bbs 搴旂敤涓殑涓や釜妯″潡涔嬮棿浼犱竴浜涙暟鎹細

- 鍙戣█浜?br />- Password
- Title
- Content

- Emoticons

Not always add a function, again on the re-definition of the function. So the simplest way is to combine them as a parameter to the function.鍦ㄦ湁 xml 涔嬪墠锛屼綘鍙兘浼氫娇鐢ㄥ垎闅旂锛歴tr = "鍙戣█浜?寮犱笁;瀵嗙爜=**锛涙爣棰?abc锛涘唴瀹?xyz"
鍒?server 閭h竟浣跨敤 dictionary 鎴?collection 鎴?split 绛夌瓑鏂规硶鎶婁粬浠媶寮??锛堝綋鐒跺彲浠ヨ嚜宸卞畾涔夊璞″暒锛岀粨鏋勫暒绛夌瓑锛屼絾澶氭暟鎯呭喌涓嬭繕寰楁槸绾瓧绗︿覆--姣斿鍙︿竴涓ā鍧椾笉鏄嚜宸卞紑鍙戠殑銆傦級

This method of passing the string there are several issues, summarized the two largest areas are:

1. To properly analyze it too much trouble. (Eg, just the title is "The spokesman = Joe Smith;" how to do)
2. Is flat, not hierarchical structure


Enough! Zan is it with XML. In my current knowledge in simple and obvious:

- XML is used to transfer data
- XML data with these structures - a tree structure
- Xml with a full set of operation method of this structure
- xml 瑙勮寖锛堟垨鑰呰鐨勫疄闄呯偣锛寈ml parser锛夊府浣犵‘瀹氫綘鍒涘缓鐨勫瓧绗︿覆鏄悎娉曠殑
- Xml specification (or the actual point, xml parser) in a way to verify the legitimacy of
- For the server component to get this string is, you can use xml in the ready-made way to operate it,
杩欏氨鏄?xpath, pattern锛岀被浼间簬 T-SQL 璇彞銆?(But keep in mind is the tree structure of xml)
- XSLT convert xml using xpath on (similar to DTS), which is a special case of the XML into HTML output.


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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Trojan horse to steal account with Sister Furong be prudent to see hot pictures

Trojan hidden in the "Sister Lotus" photo

Yesterday, Kingsoft and Rising companies are intercepted by "Sister Lotus," the legendary photo Trojan variants hide the virus aims to steal online game account.

With the "Sister Furong," in the network quickly jump up red, popularity soared, never thought there are hackers like to take her picture to "strike" the. According to reports, once the user clicks a "Sister Lotus" wearing apparel, the rise of photo eyes closed, the virus will sneak to connect other malicious web page, download the virus file. But this variety is linked to the use of keyboard and mouse technology Zhuantou legendary account of the Trojan virus, and then sent to the virus author by e-mail.

As of press time, Kingsoft and Rising intercepted only one photo with a Trojan virus. But the virus are reminded, for the popular image, the user opens the best carefully to avoid losses.

Network Red "Sister Lotus"

Sister Furong, the network's first Red. She came from Shaanxi, is wandering in the Tsinghua University, Beijing University of marginal undergraduates generally failed three times now in a Beijing publishing house book editor. In early 2005, Sister Furong, stunning photographs, and "dance with Tsinghua University," The video clips are Tsinghua University, Beijing University, as well as numerous domestic BBS reproduced, Sister Furong, China's moment on the Internet this year's exciting and popular icons.

She introduced himself this way: "I is female is also, my seductive look and pure and noble temperament, no matter where I will be everyone's attention and kick out mercilessly. I always 'focus'."

Many users unwittingly joined a "Sister Lotus," the fans group (followers) above, with the "Sister Lotus" photo back noisily set up the "Lotus Education."

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Rise" magician / Swordsman bred Guide

Introduction: ah .... the first to say sorry, because the killing floor two days out of a big update to accidentally indulged into, and with a game I run another story to remind ourselves to avoid mistakes So these two days is not updated ...

However, to compensate, I will try to release tomorrow, the whole of Chapter 2.

Introduction 2: Yes, there are two customs clearance foreword ... this again when I practiced a Mo Jianshi, so we can fit the two magicians and swordsmen.

First of all, or practice before the state clearance.

Click to view larger image

Click to view larger image

Click to view larger image

Swordsman points:

This game is the most average of close weapons capability

Swords can be used beginning with shield, with a single hand can be used to upgrade the skills handed sword type weapons (6 and 9)

But the attack speed is not fast, was Dangge slow speed when the back is very easy to eat each other's counter-technology.

Swordsman breeding lines:

Frankly speaking, the capacity of the sword is too strong .........

Basically there is no particular need attention.

Skills first and then upgrade to the three main forces can add to the strength of 100 plus skills right after.

Magician points:

wisdom without having to spend points, but the reading and stone (stone plate) increased.

Favor a long-career, like a bow and arrow like magic, need to manually aim.

Magic will not return as time passed and must be water, or sleep medication.

Sword and Axe skills limit is 7, to teach high-level skills will not bother you .........

Please decide if one of the magic for specialization, the other with a small practice, too many choices will only make their rush it.

Mo Jianshi points:

In addition to the above mentioned items, pay attention to road warriors actually take the order is more appropriate when Mo Jianshi, for close combat skills will not be as limited as the magician. (Though I was taking this Mo Jianshi Master line, but not difference.)

Has a magician's attack power, but also swordsmen strong melee ability, but attack power lower than that of pure swordsman. However, the sword buckle down 80% and 60% of it is not much difference, it is also hit Siya.

Magician / Mo Jianshi bred lines:

From the beginning, first add the power of 30, added 3 sword skills to ensure a certain amount of close combat ability, or will be miserable in the beginning.

In addition to sneak unlock, other points remain to learn magic, when it first entered Chapter 2, specialization of the project should be around 6-7 levels, is sufficient.

Fireball (fire ball), the highest single attack power, but the scope of damage, can not directly hit, but the firing capacity is relatively low.

Magic Missile (magic bullet), single attack power is low, the scope of small, hit a relatively high demand, but in bursts of competent.

Ice Lance (ice lance), attack power is not high, firing capacity is not high, and the opener long time, but has some chance of freezing enemies to live, how you fish.

In fact, three kinds of magic has its own advantages, but are simply practicing magician, then invited his fireball or magic missile, because the ice is not suitable for the gun.

Instead Mo Jianshi no problem with what.

After entering Chapter 2,

Magician, then the specialization skills to fill, and then add alchemists and two blacksmiths, to create their own syrup and processing power plus 20 mana of the ring, then all points are placed on the right mana.

Mo Jianshi, then fill first magic specialization, and alchemists, together with sword skills, enough to power by medicine, coupled with additional mana of the ring.

If the Master line of Mo Jianshi go to Chapter 3 of the second half took the necklace add mana to throw a ring, and then accompanied by two plus one of the ring fencing, we can take Shuangshoujian the.

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